In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT

01484 713037

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy

Ofsted an Parent View

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

Visit Us

         Welcome to the Year 2 Learning Page!

Mrs Curry and Mrs Foxcroft are our Class Teachers

and Mrs Michaels is our Teaching Assistant.

Please contact us using the class Dojo

and remember to look out for what the class are getting up to on Dojo class story.

Our Long Term Plan for the Year - click here


The First Christians

This half term, we will learn:

  • About the birth of the Church at Pentecost.
  • When the apostles received the Holy Spirit, they spread the Good News.
  • About the work of St Peter.
  • How they can spread the Good News too.
  • About the early Christian community and that the Christian community continues today.

At Home

You could help your child by:

  • Talking about the symbols of the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit helps us.


This half term, we are reflecting on the Virtue of Trust


Our School Mission

God asks us to

be the best version of ourselves.

God asks us to

try our best and keep everyone learning.

God asks us to

keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.

God asks us to

accept everyone.

God asks us to

look after others and the world around us.

Let us

Love, Learn and Live in Christ!


Our Class Mission Statement

In Year 2 ….

We put our hand up, wait our turn and share

We sit properly, are proactive and we are ready to learn

We listen and are the best version of ourselves

We are kind to everyone and look after the things around us

We tell the truth and say sorry


This half term (Summer 2) we are learning: 

Science: Living things and their habitats

We will learn:

  • About the differences between living, dead and things which have never been alive
  • That most living livings things live in habitats
  • Identify and name plants and animals in their habitats
  • The idea of a simple food chain and sources of food.

We will visit the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on the 12th of June to learn more about creatures and their habitats.

GEOGRAPHY: Where are the oceans of the world?

We will learn:

  • The names of the 5 oceans
  • The names of the 7 continents and where they are in relation to the 5 oceans
  • That the oceans are aquatic biomes and detail about the Atlantic Ocean

DT: Perfect Pizza!

Yes, we will be making pizza! 


Our Students' Student for  Summer 1: Jonah! Well done!

Class Charity


Our class charity is the RSPCA. 

So far we have raised £110.

Thank you for your support.


Our Class Saint is St Bernadette

 and her feast day is 16th April



  • Snack provided £1 per week. This can be paid weekly half termly or termly
  • Please bring a water bottle to school
  • Please make sure your child has a coat and school bag in school every day.


A sheet will go home in your child's homework book each Monday to be returned the following Monday 

 Phonics/Spellings Focus

Our phonics/ spelling focus is introduced on a Monday for a test the following Monday. We work on sound in class all week. Please help your child to learn the spellings that are sent home 


Our PE day is on Friday.

Please make sure you have a PE kit and pumps in school! Trainers can also be brought in.  For safety reasons, no ear-rings to be worn please.



On Fridays, we share recommended reads. Bring in a book you think others in the class would enjoy!

We have lots of lovely reading books in school.

Please try to listen to your child read a few pages every night.

Every little helps!